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U. Chicago Booth Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for U. Chicago Booth Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The following U. Chicago Booth interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview was in the alum’s office. It was blind and my interviewer had only seen my résumé beforehand.

The interview started out by the alumnus telling me that I should be at ease. He asked me what I thought the purpose of the interview was – when I said it was to assess fit with the school, he said it was also for applicant’s to get a sense of the school through interactions with ambassadors of the school. I was obviously nervous and I thought it was very nice of the interviewer to put me at ease.

Since I’m an offbeat applicant (attorney), the interviewer asked me why I was looking at an MBA in the first place. Turns out he was a bit of an offbeat applicant too so he shared his own story at length.

We then proceeded to talk about my post MBA goals. Since they include coming back to my home country and working closely with government/in the public sector, the interviewer and I got into a bit of a debate on the difficulty/frustration associated with working with government. I thought at one point that the interviewer was trying to provoke me but I stood my ground and defended my career goals. In the end I think the interviewer liked that.

The whole conversation proceeded more in this back and forth manner and I was a little surprised that it didn’t follow the conventional Q&A format.

The interviewer was very positive about my chances and was extremely warm while saying goodbye. I sent a thank you email and received quite a prompt response. He urged me to consider Booth if given admission.
The whole experience left me feeling very positive about the school. Clearly the alumni have a strong connect with the school even after graduation and are really committed to giving back.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at U. Chicago Booth? Click here to get the Clear Admit U. Chicago Booth Interview Guide.

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