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UC Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Video Call

Image for UC Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Video Call

The following Berkeley / Haas MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I received the interview invite just a week before the decision date and schedule the invite 4 days right before the decision date. Due to limited location and my tight schedule, I chose to do the skype call. As I’m in Asia, the timing will be a bit tricky, but lucky I have got the Friday night slot in the US, which mean Saturday morning in Asia. Haas didn’t use Skype to interview, but they have their own video platform. Once you selected the interview slot, they will just send the link that you can access on the interview day.

On the interview day, I logged in to Haas platform right before the interview time for an hour, but you will not connect to the interviewer until the exact timing.

The interview was very relaxed. The interviewer was very friendly and he shared the same consulting background as me, so he understood my story pretty well.


Seems like the adcom already asked him to ask me 4 questions as follows:

1) Imagine you are studying in Haas and you are working with the team of five, there was one team member who did not do any work and others teammates started to get pissed off? What would you do?

2) Can you tell me about the challenging story at work? What happen and how did you deal with that?

3) Tell me about your weakness? How did you improve or plan to improve?

4) Why Haas?

The interviewers asked for details of each question in a friendly manner. If I did a long answer, he also recapped what I said and checked whether he understood me correctly. The tone was more conversational and he really tried to understand what I did. I really enjoyed the conversation. At the end, he offered me to ask any questions, so I ended up asking him about his careers and his experiences at Haas.

FYI: The video platform was a bit troublesome as I lost connection with the interviewers for 2-3 times(e.g., we saw each other but could not hear each other), so this was not because of the internet connection. But the interviewer was very calm and told me to reconnect. He also told me that another candidate he interviewed over skype also faced the same issue. Anyways, this is not an issue for me as I got acceptance offer at the end, so dont worry if this happen to you.

Good luck with your interview and I hope this is helpful somehow :).

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