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UC Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for UC Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Type: blind interview (interviewer only sees resume)
List of required interview questions:
1. Walk me through your resume
2. Why an MBA?
3. Why Haas? How will Haas help you achieve your short/long-term goals?
4. Tell me about a time when you were on a team where others didn’t agree with you at the start of a project, but by the end you had changed their minds…or something along those lines (can’t remember the exact phrasing)
5. Diversity question…something along the lines of “How have you actively promoted diversity in the workplace?” (question asked specifically about the workplace but the interviewer said volunteer work was also acceptable.

Then a bunch of non-required follow-up questions generated by the interviewer:
– What classes would you take?
– What’s your Plan B?
– What have you already done to attempt achieving or position yourself to achieve your career goals?
– What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken in your career/job?

The interviewer was very friendly, making the interview go much more smoothly. The alumni was genuinely interested in what I had done in my life so far and where I wanted to go in my career. The alum asked a lot of questions beyond the 4-5 that Haas requires, so the interview really became a conversation as opposed to an interrogation. I had a friend who interviewed with a member of the AdCom and his was only half an hour long (mine lasted over an hour), so it makes me think that the interview isn’t as weighted as other schools where only AdCom interviews candidates. I was surprised at how many follow-up questions the alum asked about why the MBA is the exact right step for me.