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UC Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus

Image for UC Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus

UC Berkeley Haas MBA interview questions were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 candidate who interviewed off-campus:

The interviewer was very friendly, and the interview went like a casual conversation.

He first introduced himself, at a length of his past career and current job, and started asking me the following questions, which he read from the guide provided by the school. It lasted for about an hour.


  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Questions about my previous jobs
  3. Why did you choose to apply for MBA/ Haas?
  4. Tell me about your weakness
  5. Tell me about an experience where you showed leadership
  6. Tell me about an experience where you disagreed with your boss
  7. How much do you know of Haas?
  8. Tell me about something that is not in your resume
  9. What can you contribute to the Haas community?
  10. What is your long-term goal?

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