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UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On campus / Round 1

My interview was originally scheduled with Wesley Hawk, but I ended up interviewing with Craig Hubble instead. He was very laid-back and friendly, and although I was very nervous walking into the interview (this was my first one), I felt at ease once we started talking. He asked about my professional background and number of years of work experience. He also asked about my extra-curricular activities while in college, and what sort of community service work I’ve done since school. He seemed to steer the conversation frequently towards “Why Anderson?” types of information, which I was more than happy to answer. He also asked the standard “why do you want an MBA?” question. About thirty minutes passed before he asked “ok do you have any questions?” and I asked him if he was an alum and about his experiences at Anderson, and also got in a few more points about why I wanted to attend the school. Overall the interview was very straight-forward and he didn’t try to throw any curveballs at me. The entire interview lasted 45 minutes.