I interviewed on campus with a second year student. I had my resume for her and following are her questions for me:
- Take me through your resume.
- What are your likes and dislikes for your current job?
- Tell me about a challenging group situation.
- What are your goals?
- Why do you want an MBA?
- Why now?
- Why Anderson?
- What are your passions outside of work/business?
- Anything else you want to tell me or want to ask me?
I think the interview went well – I don’t have a feeling that I bombed it. But, you can’t tell because they don’t necessarily “bond” with you. But she did react favorably to a couple things I said and seemed interested. I don’t think you are supposed to know how it went. The interview was 30 minutes and we actually went slightly over, so that was good. Time flew by – 30 minutes is not much time, so be prepared and get to the point.