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UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / Skype

Interviewed about 10 days after the Round 2 application deadline with a 2nd-year student. Overall I feel like it went really well. There were a couple areas I wish I would have explained a little better, but I am happy with how I did. The interview was very conversational, and for the most part, no unexpected questions. Here is a general summary of the questions I was asked:

-Tell me about yourself.
-Why an MBA now?
-Why Anderson?
-Why are you looking to change careers?
-What do you envision yourself doing when begin working in X industry?
-What are your long-term career goals?
-How will you contribute to the Anderson community?
-What are your strengths as a leader?
-What leadership qualities do you want to work on at Anderson?
-Any question for me?

The interview was about 35 minutes.