My interview was scheduled for 10:30 and after getting a little lost on campus I finally found the Anderson buildings. I loved that there were a few first year students greeting the applicants and answering questions. It made me feel more at ease and connected to the current students. I am not sure how much I should write about my actual interview because I honestly cannot figure out how it went. It was one of those not great, but not bad either experiences. I didn’t really get the sense that my interviewer (a second year) was thrilled with me, nor did she seem to hate me. Having never seen my resume before she asked me to go through it – which I did pretty fast, though touching on all the points I wanted to make. She asked me why I left my first job for the current one, why MBA now, why Anderson, and how did I get to be fluent in French. That was it pretty much. I didn’t look at the time when we were done, but I doubt I was in there for more then 30 minutes, possibly even less.