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UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2/ Second-year student / On-Campus

Image for UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2/ Second-year student / On-Campus

The following UCLA Anderson interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

Pretty chill and straight forward interview:

1. Walk me through your resume
2. Why do you want to do an MBA now?
3. Why Anderson?
4. Short and Long Term Goals
5. Why an MBA and not a masters?
6. How can you contribute to Anderson’s community, and which clubs would you join?
7. Tell me about an innovative lasting contribution you made in your current job?
8. Questions for me?

I asked him about his AMR project, what was the thing that surprised him the most from Anderson, and what would be one thing he would change of the current program.

Preparing for an upcoming UCLA Anderson interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Anderson School of Management Interview Guide for more interview tips and strategic advice.

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