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UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype

Image for UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype

I had my Anderson interview over video with a second-year student. Overall, I’d say it was the most conversational of all the interviews I had which I really appreciated as I got to ask questions about his experience and his overall demeanor definitely calmed my nerves.

No major curve balls or unexpected questions. The interviewer was super nice and was clearly really excited about Anderson.

– Walk me through your resume
– Why MBA / why Anderson / why now (he pressed on the timing)
– What clubs would I want to join and why
– What role do I currently play in my community, things I’m involved in outside work, etc
– An example of a time I led a community project
– What skills do I think are transferable from my current industry to my desired industry

Since all they see is your resume, there’s a lot of room to go off the page and go deeper in what interests you and why so I’d definitely recommend thinking about what key things you want the interviewer to take away as highlights. Our conversation definitely reaffirmed my interest in Anderson!

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