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UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom

I had an interview with Buck William, a member of Adcom team of UNC, the interview was extremely friendly and relaxing. He really made a lots of efforts to put me at easy and make me comfortable, which I think a bit more than needed!

He started by talking to me about Philippines because 46 years ago, he had a great time in Mindanao (the south of the Philippines) and Manila. So we chatted and we shared a lot about Philippines. Then he asked me how my life is in Philippines and how I grew up in Vietnam. A bit also about my family.

Next question is about my education. Why I held two BA degrees from two universities and how I managed to obtain both at the same time. What extra-curricular activities I did when I was in university as well as I performed academically.

Going to my experience. He also shared that he used to work in agency that served my company now, a multinational FMCG company, he served my brand actually. So it was really a friendly chat. However he did ask me about my work nature. and one specific question relating to market research and distribution.

The last question was that Who am I? this is the question sounding “interviewed” the most. and then I asked him a couple of questions about UNC. That is all.

It is really a nice chat with him and I feel so relaxed talking to him. Admitted.