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UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype

I was interviewed by a member of the Adcom. It was a blind interview.
My interviewer was very friendly and amicable. I expected a very conversational style with follow-up questions from my prompts, but the interview was mostly Q/A type. Meaning, she asked me a question and I replied. My response did leave room for follow-up questions, but that was not the case. She asked me a bunch of questions, and the interview concluded with when I should be getting a response.

Questions asked-:
1) Resume walkthrough.
2) Career goals
3) Why MBA
5) What are the three most important characteristic of a good team.
6) Experience of working in a team.
7) General work ethic.
8) Have you read any business books lately?
9) What do you do outside work? Extra-curricular.
10) Any questions for us?

Overall,  Clear Admit did a phenomenal job at preparing me for this interview and that is why I am also contributing!
Before the interview, I provided 2 disclaimers. 1) I was down with the flu. 2) My neighbors decided on blasting their music system. My interviewer was amused, but appreciated the fact that I mentioned the issues. I was able to throw in some UNC specific jokes. Overall a very comfortable setting. No need to get nervous. It was cordial but professional. A lot of note taking. Lasted exactly 30 mins.