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UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / AdCom / off Campus

Image for UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / AdCom / off Campus

The following UPenn / Wharton interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

I interviewed with a career services officer from Wharton in Mumbai. We had our interview in the McK office. There were 3 slots with 5-6 candidates each , on a particular day.
My TBD had a total of 5 members. We all reached the venue almost 30 min in advance and chatted a bit. It helped a lot in knowing each other and what their backgrounds were. We all got very comfortable with each other, which I believe was one of the reasons we had a successful TBD.

As soon as the TBD started, we took 1 min each to describe our prepared topic and then had a short discussion to unanimously agree on a single topic. We had a very cordial discussion in which everyone was pitching in their ideas. We finished our TBD 1 min before the stipulated time.

Just after the TbD, I was the first person to get interviewed.

I had a precise 10min interview , though other candidates were interviewed for a longer time.
1. Explain your recent switch
2. Career goals
3. Why MbA
4. Any question for me

Preparing for an upcoming Wharton interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Wharton Interview Guide.

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