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UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / off-campus hub

Image for UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / off-campus hub

The following UPenn / Wharton interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

About the room setting / Seating:
There is a whiteboard, a clock on the board and a small alarm clock on the table.
The seating is pre-set, the nameplate was on the table and the order was alphabetical ( first name base)
The admission person sat a bit far from the applicants.

The flow of the interview:
The admission person first asked each one of us to briefly introduce ourselves. Everyone shared his or her professional background (~1min or less)
Then she explained the prompt and format of the interview. 35min, first one minute pitch form everyone, the last 5 min for presentation to the admission person.
After the interview, one-on-one interview follows, and the first person was asked to stay in the room and the rest of people asked to move to a different room.Who will be the first one was announced before the TBD, so he or she can still prepare while doing TBD.

The admission person checked her clock/ each interview last for 10min.
The interview questions were as below
The interview was blind. Adcom people saw applicants’ resumes for the first time just before the interview.(It seemed)

1. Reflection: How do you think about TBD
2. Reflection: What role did you play? How do you perform in a team setting?
3. Tell me about your current work
4. Why do you need MBA?
5. Why Wharton
6. Any questions?

Adcom and other applicants are all very friendly.

Interview results seem to be just one data point and not be a deciding factor. Everybody in the team tries to participate and invite others to contribute, and showing that attitude seems important.

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