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UPenn Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for UPenn Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

WHARTON TBD: The TBD went as expected. The link was opened just a couple of minutes before starting. We introduced ourselves before the “clock” started ticking. When the time began, everyone presented their ideas in about 65-70 seconds. Then we started to attempt converging into an idea. It wasn’t easy at first, but everyone was very open to suggestions. Only a couple of people were more “stuck” with their own ideas, but eventually went with the group. After deciding on a topic, the entire conversation went more smoothly. I think that following the specific questions from the prompt was key. By the end everyone had space to participate in the summary presentation.

WHARTON INTERVIEW: It lasted about ten minutes, and was right after the TBD. I was 4th of a total of 6 applicants. We all stayed in the waiting virtual room until everyone had interviewed. The interview was short (about 10 minutes). Adcom had 3 questions: why Wharton, why MBA, and what are my goals. It was relaxed and conversational. After about 7 minutes the interviewer gave me space to ask a question (I asked two).