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UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-Campus

Image for UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-Campus

The following UPenn / Wharton interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

Before the interview began, we all stood around looking like cattle ready for the slaughter. Uncomfortable introductions, followed by subtle competitive posturing, all of which is to be expected.

My strategy was being likeable from the beginning. I said hi to everyone, introduced myself confidently, even though I was nervous. I figured at least one person would be on my time and the earlier you can build rapport, the better. The receptionists looked like they were taking notes about that. Or maybe that was my paranoia.

The biggest thing about the TBD is that you can present on a pre-determined topic but you can’t plan for the team experience you’ll have, which means you can’t truly prepare for it. There’s no memorization in the world that can help you when 4 out of the 5 other members have A type personalities and are fighting to speak.

Fortunately my TBD experience did not mirror the “Hunger Games” and I was able to display my strengths and still be accommodating of my team members’ weaknesses. This is key because in life, it’s not always about you.

Even though our team did well overall, not everyone got admitted to Wharton. The ones who I know got rejected are the ones who didn’t speak much and just went along to get along. You need to be assertive but kind. Confident but humble. Clear and concise, no mumbling.

After the TBD, we were all brought in, individually to speak to a second year. My experience was different than most. I wasn’t asked any Why MBA, why Wharton questions… This freaked me out but ultimately, I got accepted so don’t doubt yourself until the ding is official.

Be memorable and relax! I enjoyed the TBD experience and it actually helped solidify my decision to attend.

Preparing for an upcoming Wharton interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Wharton Interview Guide.

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