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UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

Image for UPenn / Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub

The following UPenn / Wharton interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

I interviewed at the Wharton San Francisco campus. Rather than having 3 representatives from Wharton in the room during the Team-Based Discussion, we only had one adcom. We each handed her our resumes (thankfully I had one printed!) at the start and then went around the group and introduced ourselves by name and college.

The Team-Based Discussion felt very relaxed, and the adcom rep sat in the corner with her head down the whole time taking notes. The group realized we had to work together as a team, so it wasn’t a competitive atmosphere or land-grab. Naturally, 1-2 people got more airtime than others, but overall the discussion went well.

Afterward, we were each called in the order that we had given our resume to the adcom representative at the start. I had about 10 mins to talk to her, and she asked how I think the discussion went, why business school, and why Wharton. Nothing tricky or in depth. We spent the rest of the time talking about the weather and campus, which may have been a bad sign, but I honestly don’t think the 10 mins interview seemed to matter (we’ll see). Overall seemed pretty relaxed.

Preparing for an upcoming Wharton interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Wharton Interview Guide.

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