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UPenn Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for UPenn Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

I completed the Wharton Team-Based Discussion (TBD) and 1:1 interview recently, with two second-year MBA students as observers for the TBD, then the 1:1 with one of the two students. Most people (6 candidates total) joined about 10 minutes early and introduced themselves, and made some small talk. After the 10 min mark ended, the two MBA students introduced themselves, and then asked us to share our name, current company, and intended major at Wharton. They then quickly explained the TBD instructions and process (35 minutes to come to a conclusion answering the prompt, including the 60 second pitches and a 5 min presentation at the end) and asked if there were any questions. After that, they immediately began the clock for each candidate to share their 60 second pitch that was prepared on the topic ahead of time.

After each person went, there was a group discussion with people who clearly very much wanted to be the time keeper, summarizer, etc. I was surprised that people actually seemed pretty aggressive (though polite) on speaking. The second-year students provide timing warnings (10 min, 5 min) by holding up a paper, but kept silent for the majority of the conversation.

After the TBD, the two students shared who was matched up with who (they each took 3 candidates) and randomly picked the order as well. This was shared in the chat, and then we were all in the Zoom “waiting room” chatting while waiting for our turn. Upon joining the 1:1 session, I was asked very basic questions (only 10 minutes): What are your short and long term career goals, Why an MBA, and Why Wharton?

There was some time to ask about 2-3 questions as well to the interviewer, then you were let back into the “waiting room.” You were able to leave after your 1:1 or continue to chat with others in the “waiting room.” Overall, I think it was a pleasant experience, though I didn’t feel particularly challenged by the interview questions and felt that the most difficult part was finding a chance to speak in the TBD (but maybe that was just my group). Best of luck to those preparing and hope this is helpful!