List of interview questions: Tell me about yourself. What is something I wouldn’t know about you from just reading your application? Why USC? Why LA? What do you hope to gain from the program? What do you hope to gain academically? What would you contribute to the student body? Why an MBA? Why now? What questions do you have? What else? Anything else? What more? What else are you curious about? What else can I help you uncover about the program?
Did you receive your admissions decision? Yes.
What did you think of the interview? Very casual.
What surprised you? How casual the interview was.
What didn’t surprise you? The interview questions.
What might you conclude about the school based on this experience? The “Trojan family” has a palpable culture that truly emphasizes the importance of collaboration and interpersonal skills.
What advice would you have for future interviewees? As casual as the interview was, still maintain your professionalism and stay sharp. Make sure you have at least 10 questions ready for the end. That is where you’ll be able to really make an impression.
USC Marshall Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus