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USC Marshall Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for USC Marshall Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Interviewer: Elaine Padilla

1. Tell me about your undergrad (I think this was just the ice breaker, because we then chatted about the state I live in)
2. Why did you choose your undergrad major?
3. Walk me through your resume
4. (She was referring to the ECs on my resume) What is the most meaningful EC you’ve done on this list?
5. What are 3 things your peers would say about you?
6. What is your weakness?
7. What type of person are you on a team? Do you step up? Do you let others volunteer? What role do you play?
8. Tell me about a mistake YOU made (she made it a point to emphasize a situation where the fault was mine)
9. Why an MBA?
10. Why Marshall?
11. What else do you want me to know about you?

Then it was my turn for questions.

Overall, she strikes me as someone who is grounded and straightforward. I tripped up a little bit on question #5 because the word I was looking for was escaping me, so she identified it for me. She mentioned that she was wondering if I was nervous because I couldn’t think of the word haha. She is a great listener and asked very thoughtful questions. She was easy to talk to and had a chill vibe which made the overall experience pleasant.