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USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus

Blind interview with a second-year student. There were several other students interviewing with other people at the same time in other rooms.

Questions Asked:
1. Can you tell me your job history from past to present?
2. Why do you want an MBA? Why now? What do you want to do with it after?
3. Why USC? What clubs are you interested in?
4. Can you tell me about a time you were able to lead a team?
5. Any questions for me? I asked why he picked USC? What is it about the culture that stands out to him? What clubs is he a part of? Is there anything he would do different if he could start over in year 1? Does he think now is a good time to be getting an MBA? How does he think recruiting has changed at all (given recent articles written about USC’s career center and recruiting?