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USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions

I am a foreign applicant based in India. I applied in Rd1 (Nov 2)and Marshall folks had come down to Bangalore in the first week of december as part of the MBA tour. So fortunately, I got an opportunity to interview directly with an Adcom member. I say fortunately because all my previous interview experiences had been telephonic or skype (webcam).

I was quite nervous about a face-2-face interview.

I had worn a suit, and thought that i looked smart, and that probably gave me a bit of confidence.

The interviewer was extremely nice and polite and made it an informal discussion of my resume. this was a blind interview, and she hadn’t read my application. So she just took my resume, and asked me to run through my career till date.

I am a technical writer by profession, and fortunately for me, she had a friend who worked on something similar, so it was easy for me to explain my role in the company. the questions were usual:

  • talk about your career till date
  • why do u need an mba now
  • what are ur post mba goals
  • tell me about a challenging professional experience
  • since i had some international experience, we talked about that. and a few more general questions that i can t recollect. all i know was that there were no offguard questions.

and then i asked a lot of questions about the marshal mba program, about the USC culture etc. totally it lasted for about 35-40 minutes.

as i mentioned earlier, wearing that suit gave me a lot of confidence, and made me feel good. so throughout the interview I was feeling quite good and that I believe helped me answer clearly, precisely, and probably created the impression of a confident personality. and when i came out, i felt that i had given my best interview yet !!!

result–got admitted.