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UT Austin / McCombs Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / In Person

Image for UT Austin / McCombs Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / In Person

The following UT Austin / McCombs interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview was in the current business school offices; the new offices were still in the final phases of being built right across the street. The interview followed a very long, static script. The interview was blind, though I believe that my interviewer read through it briefly before we started. My interviewer asked me these questions in no particular order.


1) Tell me about yourself / walk me through your resume.
2) Why MBA? Why now? Why McCombs?
3) How have you displayed leadership in your roles (could be professional or personally)?
4) What qualities have you already displayed that show you are a good fit for business school?
5) What was an instance that you encountered relating to diversity in the workplace that was challenging and how did you handle it?
6) What would be your three qualities that you think your colleagues would say about you?
7) What is your proudest accomplishment?
8) How do you think McCombs would help you reach your goals?
9) What is your plan B?
10) Any questions for us?

It was basically an amalgam of what people have already posted on this forum; in fact, the earlier posts were a great help. Though, question 4 threw me for a loop, as I am coming in from a non-traditional background.

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