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UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alum

Last 45 minutes. He had another interview following mine and we had to stick to the timeline. He said that he would have a week after our interview to fill out an online evaluation form.

  • What made you minor in such a unique language? (really the only question related directly to my resume, I wasn’t asked to walk through it)
  • Why a MBA?
  • Why Texas?
  • How would you leave an impact on the school?
  • What has been your favorite or best team experience?
  • Tell me about a bad team experience
  • What is your favorite part about Austin
  • Have you ever had to deal with a difficult team member?
  • Explain how you envision your career path
  • Who is the best leader you have ever worked with and why
  • What’s your definition of leadership?
  • 5 years after graduating from Texas, what would success look like? What would you have accomplished?
  • Where else did you apply?