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UT Austin McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / Skype


The following is a description of a recent UT Austin McCombs MBA interview provided by an applicant: 

The interview was over Skype. I got a chance to select a preferred interview date and time.

The interview was fairly casual. Perhaps I expected a little too much. I was aware of McCombs’ casual interview process, but I guess I thought it was overacted (and I was wrong), it was the most casual interview of my life! I didn’t ask the dress code since I wanted to be in formals. My interviewer was in a casual top. The interviewer was a current second year student. At the start of the interview, she introduced herself and elaborated that she had a set of questions that she required me to answer. Then I could ask the questions I wanted to. She then asked me if I had any questions before we began. I asked her if she had reviewed my application. She said she had visited my resume. In all, the interview was around 35-40 minutes long. The topics discussed were:
1. Walkthrough of my resume. 
2. Questions pertaining to what brought about my job profile change.
3. What are your post-MBA goals (I spoke about both long and short, though she asked for short)
4. How essential is an MBA for that nature of work
5. Why now
6. Why McCombs

Post the interview, I made a little note to self to keep my answers short since that by itself took up quite a lot of time (more than 25 minutes). But I am not really sure if I missed any questions since she mentioned she had all the information she needed and I then asked her the questions I had. All in all, it was very casual and friendly. I was probably a little too excited about my first B-school interview and made a mental note of so many other possible questions that the interviewer could ask me during the interview that I was probably disappointed that my questions were so ‘standard’. 
Tips for interviewees: 
Definitely have the answer to Why McCombs ready and well-researched. Also, since there was quite a bit of time alloted to my questions, be prepared with a sufficient quantity of questions for them as well.
Other than that – dont sweat it! My questions were very basic. I am not yet sure of my admissions decision, but hey, fingers crossed 😀

Preparing for an upcoming interview at UT Austin / McCombs? Click here to get the Clear Admit UT Austin / McCombs Interview Guide.