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UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

The Darden interview is blind, meaning the interviewer has not even seen your resume. Because of this, the focus is largely on how you want to tell your story. The interview was roughly broken into the following sections:

1) We had a few minutes of small talk in the beginning, and then the interviewer let me know that I could tell my story starting wherever I wanted to and to go up to now and suggested this would take ~10 minutes. Following my story, my interviewer had a few follow up questions on extracurricular activities and what I do in my free time.
2) Next, I was asked why MBA/why Darden and what clubs I would like to get involved in at Darden.
3) After that, there were a few minutes for me to ask questions.

It was very conversational and mostly focused on my story and why Darden is a good fit. I didn’t get any typical behavioral questions, but I’m not sure if that’s because my story already covered a leadership example, or if it was just my interviewer’s style. My interview only took a little over 30 minutes, though the call was scheduled for 45. Ultimately, I was offered admission.