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UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

The interview was the Darden style that I was expecting. This is an interviewee-led interview. It is also a blind interview (the interviewer has not seen your application nor do they have your resume). Most interviews are conducted by second-year students, however mine was with an adcom member.

1. Take some time to tell me about yourself. Please address the following:
– Where did you go to college and why?
– What has your professional experience been?
– What are your goals?
– Why an MBA? / Why now?
2. Why Darden?
3. How would you get involved at Darden?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. What questions do you have for me?

During my “tell me about yourself response,” the interviewer would occasionally stop to ask a clarifying question such as “what would you have done differently?” or “what did you learn from that?” There were no “tell me about a time when you X” questions. Overall the experience was fairly laidback and the adcom showed genuine interest in what I had to say.