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UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

Opened the call with some polite intros, and then letting me know the format of the interview: learning about me, letting me ask any questions, and then next steps in the process.

1. Tell me a bit about your background, your undergrad experience, and your work experience.
2. What was it like moving from [home state] to DC?
3. What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
4. Follow-up: what implications does your greatest accomplishment have for the firm?
5. One of the things we’re thinking about when considering candidates is the fact that recruiting starts almost immediately when you get to school – how have you gotten your jobs in the past?
6. How do you feel about moving to Charlottesville?
7. Can you tell me about a particular class you enjoyed, or a memorable relationship you had with a faculty member?
8. What made you want to apply to Darden?
9. What other academic learning opportunities are you excited about at Darden?

My interviewer was really helpful and informed about sharing additional resources and opportunities at the school that may be of interest to me that I hadn’t explored yet.

I felt a little awkward at the end, after I had asked all my questions and then he reminded me of next steps, he paused in such a way that I know feel like was a missed opportunity on my part to reiterate my excitement in the school before signing off.