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UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

Image for UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

I interviewed for Round 2 on-campus with a second-year student. My interview was the first of the day at 8am, and there were at least a dozen other candidates at the school at the same time as me. Everyone (faculty, current students, applicants) were all very welcoming and friendly, which certainly calmed the nerves.

For the interview itself, Darden is unique in its approach. My interviewer explained that we’d use about 20-25 minutes for me to “tell my story,” followed by any follow-up questions she may have. I talked through my life chronologically, making sure to spend time talking through experiences that I may not have spent as much time on in my application essays. She took notes while I talked, and asked a few questions throughout. I concluded by talking about how my career path has led me to pursue an MBA and why Darden is the best fit for my goals. After, I was asked about what extracurricular activities I’d like to be involved in and I asked several questions about campus culture and my specific area of interest (my interviewer was in the same concentration). My interviewer was very friendly, and overall the experience was comfortable. The format is unique, but coming prepared for it meant that there were very little “surprises” once I got there.

I will find out the admissions decision next week, but feel good about my interview experience overall.

My only advice to applicants is to practice your story, find common themes that help tie the story together so you don’t end up rambling, and make sure to show your personality as you do so – this is your chance to show them that you are not only academically and professionally qualified, but would be a great addition to their culture.