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UVA / Darden Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Image for UVA / Darden Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

The following UVA / Darden interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview was a Skype interview with a member of the Adcom. She started with an outline of how the interview would go. The questions I should expect (the common questions) e.g Short-term and Long-term goals, Why an MBA, Why Now and Why Darden etc. I started with my story which went on for about 25 minutes and I made sure I answered all the commonly asked questions. She interrupted twice to ask follow up questions.

All in all, it was easier than I thought it’d be. Mostly because my interviewer was very warm and friendly which is also what surprised me the most. For anyone who has scheduled to interview and is yet to: Make sure to have your story – which answers all the commonly asked questions – down to a science. When I told mine she literally told me she had no other questions to ask as I had already answered them.

Good Luck to everyone!

Preparing for an upcoming interview at UVA / Darden? Click here to get the Clear Admit UVA / Darden MBA Interview Guide.

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