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UVA / Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-Year Student / On Campus

Image for UVA / Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-Year Student /  On Campus

This was my first interview I had for an MBA, so I was understandably nervous. The interview was laid back, and my interviewer was quite friendly, which eased the tension. They explained to me at the beginning of the interview that it was one of many data points in the application process and proceeded to give me the structure of the interview:

1. Roughly 20-30 minutes for me to tell my story, why I’m interested in Darden, and what I want to do with an MBA.
2. Roughly 5-10 minutes for him to ask me follow up questions.
3. Roughly 5-10 minutes for me to ask him follow up questions.

Although I was the most nervous for this interview, it went really well! In my opinion, they are looking for people who are genuine, authentic, yet also well prepared. Come prepared with a clear story of who you are, summarize main points, be sure to provide structure to the narrative, and just be yourself!

The only follow up question I received was a question about a time where I had to deal with conflict on a team, and how did I resolve it – which I was prepared for.

All in all, great experience. The interviewer actively listened the entire time and seemed to truly care about what I had to say.

Thankful to have been admitted.

Preparing for an upcoming UVA / Darden MBA Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources:

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