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UVA Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for UVA Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

The interviewer was really friendly and it was a relaxed atmosphere. They didn’t take any notes at all, just talked with me. The interview lasted about an hour.

They also hadn’t seen my application, not even my resume. That caught me off guard – I knew they wouldn’t have read my application, but thought they would have my resume. So I had to explain a bit more than I had planned.

They asked me to talk through my education and career thus far, explaining my why’s along the way. They asked a lot of follow-up questions about my job and role. They asked why MBA, why Darden, why the career change, and what my career goals are.

For behavioral, they asked me to tell them about a professional challenge and also to speak about a time I worked with someone different than myself.

For me, because it was so conversational feeling, I sometimes lost track of my talking points. But overall it was a really great experience and my interviewer was extremely kind. They seemed interested in me, but remained fairly neutral, so I don’t know how to interpret that.