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UVA Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Virtual

Image for UVA Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Virtual

Interview went well and my interviewer was a current 2nd-year international student; Blind interview with only resume. Below, I have included key questions that we touched on. One thing to note that I didn’t see in a lot of the other Owen interview reports was that the interviewer wanted me to really dig into the DEI question. Also, you may need to reiterate specific talking points in future questions, so make sure you’re prepared for that.

  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Why do you want to do an MBA? Why Now?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  • Why Owen?
  • What do you expect from the Owen community and how will you contribute to it?
  • How do you spend time after work?
  • What is a weakness and how will you use your Owen MBA to improve?
  • Vanderbilt places a heavy focus on DEI initiatives – how have you engaged in DEI at work?
  • Tell me about a moment where you demonstrated leadership.
  • Tell me about a moment where you had to deal with change and what you did to address it.