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Vanderbilt Owen MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Virtual

Image for Vanderbilt Owen MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Virtual

The interview was relatively relaxed, the interviewer introduced himself and was comfortable.

These were the questions :
1. Introduce yourself/Tell me about yourself.
2. Short/long-term goals.
3. Why MBA?
4. Why Owen?
5. What can you bring to the community?
6. What other programs are you applying to?
7. Tell me what you have learned from your experiences interacting with individuals different from yourself.
8. A failure and how’d you recover from it?
9. Things that are peculiar about you.
10. Questions for me?

Overall the interview we originally stated for half hour but it ended up going for an hour, where he asked me questions for about 40 odd minutes and then I asked him questions for the rest of the time.

I would say just be yourself, do you, be you, if the college doesn’t want you after all of that it’s alright.