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Washington U. / Olin Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Aimee Williams Adcom / On Campus

Image for Washington U. / Olin Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Aimee Williams Adcom / On Campus

I had an overall great interview experience at Olin. Aimee was warm, welcoming, and made me feel right at ease.

At the beginning of the interview she explained her background and what questions she would be asking me. She informed me that she would be asking me 9-10 questions, and would give me some time at the end to ask her questions if time allowed. The first few questions were generalized questions about my background, why an MBA etc. The other questions were behavioral.


  1. Tell me about yourself/ background?
  2. Why an MBA?
  3. How do you plan to use your MBA to achieve your short term and long term goals?
  4. How did you hear about Wash U, and why the Olin Business program specifically?
  5. A global trend that I’ve implemented in my business/ job?
  6. Any failures you’ve had to overcome?
  7. How do you define success?
  8. Tell me about an ethical challenge you faced and how you overcame it?
  9. What are 3 things you look for in an MBA program?
  10. If you were admitted to all your top choices for an MBA program, how would you narrow it down and decide which school to pick?
  11. Any questions for me ?


There was nothing to be nervous about. If you know your story and are comfortable telling it (why an MBA and your goals) then you’ll pass with flying colors.

Make sure you research good questions to ask. Look at their twitter account and their blog to find things to talk about. I made sure to research the program in depth, and was not thrown off by any of the questions asked. Don’t be basic and ask about restaurants and schools clubs. Make sure they are well thought out, and questions you can’t easily find an answer to.

I was informed that a decision would be made by May 1.

Best of luck to everyone!