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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions

I interviewed on campus with a second year student. He was very pleasant and seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. It lasted for 30 minutes. At the end he gave me the option of either asking him questions about the program or talking about anything I felt was relevant for my admission. The questions were straightforward

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What is your current role at work
  • Why did you take this role, how were you qualified
  • What has been the biggest challenges you have had to face. what have you learnt from your mistakes in the last 6 months.
  • Talk about your previous roles.
  • How does your current role lead to your future goals.
  • Why Wharton
  • Do you have any role models.
  • Talk about a difficult interaction. How would you handle it differently now.

In the end he said he was excited to know about my interests and passions and wished me luck. Result – I got waitlisted.