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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / On Campus / Admitted

I thought my interview with Wharton went just so-so. I waited in the admissions office with a few other interviewees and chatted with a friendly 1st year for 10 minutes before my name was called. My interviewer was a 2nd-year student and we went into a bright and spacisous office where he began by asking me to talk about my background and walk him through my resume. Then he asked the usual, “Why MBA?”, “Why Wharton”, “How do you see yourself getting involved at Wharton?”. He did try to probe my career choices, ie. why I chose to do this, why I chose to join this company, etc. He also asked in detail about my entreprenurial experience, what I learned from it, and how I plan to continue operating it once at Wharton.

The interview was over in exactly 30 minutes. I had thought that was not a good sign given that some people had reported that their interviews lasted 45 minutes. But since I was admitted, it obviously didn’t matter =) I did go over interview materials in depth and prepared answers many of the potential questions I found. I think that helped tremendously and boosted my confidence in being able to field a wide range of questions on the spot.

I sent a thank-you email and got a reply back 2 days later wish me luck (another top school that I interviewed at did not reply to my thank-you email, and I was waitlisted there).