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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / On Campus / Admitted

Both my Harvard and Wharton interviews were on campus and had an extremely relaxed vibe. At Wharton I met with a second year student. The interview lasted a strict half hour, which included a few minutes of introduction and time for my questions at the end. In general, I experienced the following line of questioning:

  • Resume walk through
  • Why MBA
  • Why Wharton
  • What’s the plan post-MBA
  • Extracurriculars (now and what I planned to do on campus)

I was also given specific questions about how I deal with team conflict as a leader. Most importantly, I felt that Wharton and Harvard used the interviews as a “jerk test”. It seemed easy to bond with the interviewer and therefore mandatory to do so. When I was accepted I got a very nice note from my interviewer.