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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Reapplicant / Round 1 / Adcom

I had my interview with Marilyn Yakowitz from adcom. Just like last time, it was a very comfortable and positive experience. I had prepared the same questions as I had been asked last time, and also more on developments since last time, etc. The interview was scheduled for 30 minutes, but went on for 40. I told her upfront that I am a reapplicant, and a first time applicant to Lauder. Here are the questions she asked:

1. It’s interesting to see you went to university in Canada and England. Why did you choose these countries?

2. Why did you return to your home country?

3. What did you do between graduation and landing your first job? (I had a 7-8 month break inbetween).

4. Tell me a little bit about your career progress

5. Why MBA (here I talked about goals and then why MBA)

6. Why Pharmaceutical industry and not any other

7. Why Western Europe and French?

8. What has been the strategy of Pharmaceutical companies such as Aventis and Novartis in your country? What do they do differently?

9. Then she talked to me in French a little (where I think I majorly goofed up).

10. What is your leadership and management style?

11. Strengths and weaknesses

12. Who did you get feedback from last year and what was the feedback? Who interviewed you?

13. Have you spoken to anyone at Lauder?

14. Anything else you want to add (here I talked about my potential contribution to Wharton) – Here, she joked and said, “You’re persuading me”. I hope it wasn’t a negative!

15. Questions for the interviewer

Overall, I think it was a good experience. She also did mention once that I seem like I can contribute to the Wharton community, and she ended the interview by telling me ways that I can further improve my French. She also told me about a German alum who was interested in the emerging markets and created his own individualized major. When I talked about the collaborative environment, she told me that I could also be part of the Wharton Women in Business Club and do lots of things there too.