The interview lasted for 45 minutes. The interviewer was a recent alum who created a really laid-back, straight to the point, low-pressure atmosphere. After chatting for a few minutes about her work experience, we went straight into the behavioral questions. She said she would ask me 3 serious behavioral questions, followed by an open session to ask questions of her afterwards. After our interview, she commented that Wharton had changed their interview format this year from previous years and the focus on behavioral questions was entirely new.
1. Tell me about a time when you worked in a group to complete a task, which required you to consider the opinions or feelings of others.
2. Describe a time when you contributed to a team that didn’t have a clear or appointed leader.
3. Explain a time when your ideas were challenged, when you had to defend your opinion and/or approach.
I then asked questions of the alumni interviewer, which went on for approximately ten minutes.
Decision: Admitted Round 1