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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni

I had my Wharton interview early in the day at the Alum’s office. I reached his office around 30 minutes before and so we started 20 minutes before the stipulated time. The alum had some 10 years of experience after MBA and 8 years before MBA. So he was quite mature and adept at interviewing. It was a tough interview, I must say. He guided the interiew process well and asked several follow-up questions on my experiences. Whenever, I told him about some experience whether community or professional, he asked about how xyz behaved or tell me about one person you really liked in that community engagement. I think he was trying to gauge the depth and honesty of the experiences. We started pretty slowly and by the time we had finished we were zooming at 100mph 🙂

Some of the questions I remember were:-

1. Walk me though your resume. He asked several follow up questions and situational questions.

2. Why Wharton? Why MBA? Career goals?

3. Why do you think Wharton is the ideal place to help you realize your long-term goals. I mentioned about several programs at Wharton which would help me and the diverse student body, alumni etc. So he said I know these programs are good but why do you think Wharton is the right place. I mentioned several other points. We then moved to another questions.

4. He then asked me to mention three strengths and weeknesses. He asked me to elaborate on each of the points. I tried to provide examples from my experiences for each of the strengths and how an MBA from Wharton would help me overcome my weaknesses.

5. Next question was… 70% of the Wharton applicants are good enough to be admitted. So why should we select YOU? I gave several reasons and tried to give examples for all of them.

6. What other things would you like to add which you believe have not been covered in your essays, aplication, and interview. I could not think of any point left, I had used all my cards…so I said I feel we have covered all the points. He then said anything like low GPA or low GMAT or gap in study or employment. I said, Nope.

7. Next…he handed over the stage to me…It was my turn to ask questions. I asked 3-4 questions on his experiences and I added my experiences in between as well. He then provided me his business card and asked me to send an email in case I have any other question. He also asked which other schools I have applied to and interviewed with. He was then kind enough to walk with me till the gate of his office.

During the interview, he was taking notes in a booklet with the label ” The Wharton School”. He stopped me in between my answers few times so that he could take down notes.

N.B.: I would recommend those with an option to do a HUB interview to go for HUB interview.