The interview seemed very short to me. I was surprised that it was over, it just seemed very fast. In fact I thought that we didn’t cover a lot of the MBA interview type questions. I didn’t want be looking at my watch so I didn’t check how long it was. However, the entire session lasted 1 hour and 15 mins. We talked about general stuff, the interviewer’s experiences at Wharton, a bit about the interviewer’s background, etc. The interviewer was very nice and very friendly and it seemed to have gone well. I weaved in some more info in our post interview conversation, especially the why Wharton.
1. Career progression, why the choices and why now an MBA at Wharton.
2. Details about some of my jobs
3. Details about my short-term goals
4. Asked about a leadership experience. When I answered, asked how asked specifically what did you do that helped.
5. Difficult team situation and how did you handle it
6. What do you do in your free time.
That’s it. I was very surprised that it ended here and that there weren’t some more of the typical questions. Finally asked if I had any questions. This let to a long conversation on various topics. I used some of this to say some more things Why Wharton, some clubs etc Interviewer asked a few more questions here although they were more conversational that as part of the interview. Something along the lines of: What do you think about moving to Philly
Interviewer seemed very nice and very friendly and I thought the interview went well, although I could have done better in some areas.