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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On campus

I scheduled an on-campus interview for Round 1 Interview on Dec 1st 2006.

I would really like to say that credit must go to Wharton for making the Interview atmosphere stress-free and very friendly. Even though, all applicants sit in their dark-blue / black suits in a common waiting area, first-year students keep dropping by and really make applicants comfortable. I would also like to mention that the Lady attendant in the MBA admissions office at Wharton deserves special credit; she is very cheerful and makes the applicants at ease before the interview.

Coming to the questions I was asked in Interview :

1. Walk me through your resume – I was also asked to discuss on some of my recent project experiences in detail during this walk-through.

2. Why do you feel you need an MBA ?

3. What are your career short and long term goals ?

4. Why Wharton ?

5. What activities I get involved in outside work ?

6. What would my teammates at work say about my strengths and weaknesses ?

7. How can Wharton help me in overcoming the above mentioned weaknesses ?

8. Since we had some 2-3 minutes remaining, the interviewer asked me to discuss anything else that was not their in application.

All in all, it was a friendly conversation and not like a formal interview and I think I did a pretty good job of conveying my fit with the school, now the waiting game starts 🙂