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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On Campus

The interview was very structured (yet still relaxed) and the 2nd year student seemed like he wanted to hit certain points. Overall, the interview lasted 40 minutes or so.

1) Why did I pick to work at XYZ?

2) Why MBA? Why Wharton?

3) ST/LT Goals

4) What do I bring to Wharton?

This took about 15-20 minutes or so. Then the next section was pretty much all teamwork questions.
5) Time that you had to encourage a team member who wasn’t performing.

6) Time that you had to challenge a manager.

7) Why do you think Wharton has Learning Teams? What is the most important reason?

8) What will you find challenging about the Learning Team?

9) What will the Learning Team say about my weaknesses?

10) What would you do if you didn’t have to work?

11) Any questions.

The whole Learning Team discussion caught me a bit off guard. I tried my best to adapt what I prepared for teamwork questions in general, but I had no idea that we would go that in depth on teamwork or specifically the Wharton Learning Team.