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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / student

The Wharton interview was more of a conversation than an interview. I interviewed with a 2nd year student on Wharton’s campus. I could have done an alumni interview in my home city, but I wanted to check out the school, as I had not visited before. The interview is blind (the interviewer only has your resume).

  • What led you to your current job?
  • Why do you need an MBA?
  • When I told him what I wanted to do post-MBA, he followed up with Why do you want to go into that field? He also happened to know something about that field, so he asked me what were the pressing issues I saw for the near-term
  • Why Wharton?
  • Tell me about a defining leadership moment
  • What makes a good leader?
  • How do you deal with a difficult team mate?
  • What extracurriculars would you like to get involved in at Wharton? Why those?
  • What role would youp lay on your learning team?
  • What will you need to do to be successful at Wharton?
  • Is there anything you want to add? Any weaknesses you’d like to address?

He scribbled notes as we went. The interview lasted about the 30 minutes allotted (maybe a minute or two over). He gave me a card, and I sent a thank-you email the next day.