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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2

I met a second year student right on time and we walked in to a little dingy room in the admissions office. We did small talk for a minute or so and got down to business. First the student introduced himself and told me how he would conduct the interview, i.e. that this was an blind interview, he hasn’t seen my application so I can use my essay examples, he would ask questions for 25 minutes and then I would get an opportunity to ask questions in the end for 5 minutes. I liked his direct business like approach. We covered a lot of ground in 30 minutes, he probed a lot of areas. Not sure if this is good or bad 


  1. You have a lot of options for pursuing MBA education, so why Wharton?
    1. I gave a brief overview of my long term goals and explained how a Wharton MBA was a right step for me.
  2. Assuming you get in to Wharton, 2 years after you graduate, how would the students recall your contribution to Wharton
    1. Since I had already mentioned the things I’d do at Wharton in the 1st question, I just mentioned 2 or 3 things where I’d be involved the most. (though in hindsight I could have done a little better here)
  3. What would your boss say your greatest weakness is? (Before I could answer, he clarified that he did not want to hear standard answers like ‘I am a perfectionist’ or ‘I am very hardworking’).
    1. Do you think your weakness is an asset?
    2. What would your boss say your greatest strength is?
    3. What’s your leadership style?
    4. Tell me about at a time when you had a disagreement with someone at work. How did it go? (he asked some follow up questions here)
  4. There are a lot of applicants with similar background – (aka engineering/ IT industry). What makes you stand out?
  5. Next some follow up questions on a venture that I had opened.
    1. What made you start that venture
    2. How did you do your market research
    3. Where do you think it’s headed?
    4. What’s your short term goal after getting out from Wharton?
  6. What will you do if you are not selected this year?
  7. Any questions for me.

I sent him a thank you note almost immediately after finishing my interview, but haven’t heard back as yet. (Not sure if I should take it as indicator)