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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni

My interview was with an alum. Lasted about 45 minutes. As most of the alumni interviews are, it was a casual discussion as follows:

  • Reasons for decisions made throughout career
  • Why MBA, Why Wharton, Why now
  • How would you describe yourself
  • Tell me about an ethical dilemma you faced
  • Tell me about an incidence where you led a team without any formal authority
  • Questions for him

I received a couple of feedback points during and after the interview, which were good. At the end of the interview, I have an even more positive feeling and respect for Wharton.

Advice: Be yourself, be ready to articulate your reasons for MBA at Wharton, understand what Wharton is looking for in an applicant and organize/present your responses accordingly (consistent with positioning/theme of essays).