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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni

The interview took place in a London hotel’s cafe. Timing was 45 minutes discussion (the alumnus kept track of time all the way through the interview) + 20 minutes questions and informal discussion. The atmosphere was quite relaxed, especially after the “official” part ended.

  • Walk me through your resume (I kept on describing my long and short term plans, as the interviewer did not stop me)
  • What was the most important project you have done? (I’ve been working for the same consulting company since graduation)
  • Why entrepreneurship? Tell me two examples from your past experience
  • Why Wharton? He asked some follow up questions to challenge me
  • What are you most proud of?
  • If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
  • If you were an alumni interviewer what would be your two most important questions to the applicant (he then asked me to answer these questions)
  • What do you offer to Wharton/why you?
  • How would you fit in the community?
  • Give me two strengths and two weaknesses and provide actual examples (he then asked follow up questions on these)
  • How do you imagine yourself 20 years from now?
  • Questions to the interviewer.

We then continued the discussion. He openly answered all my questions and made a case for Wharton. After about an hour he asked me to finish the discussion, as he did not want “his opinion to be altered”, and because he should not give more time to any one interviewee.

Overall, the interviewer very friendly and relaxed. He offered to remain in touch and asked me to let him know about the decision.