I interviewed with a second year student on campus. The admissions office had a few other people waiting to interview and there was a 2nd year student waiting and socializing with us. My interviewer was from a non-traditional background and was planning to work in finance after graduating, so I felt he sympathized with career switchers like myself. He was friendly and courteous throughout the interview. His questions were:
- Walk me through your resume
- Why Wharton
- Why MBA and why now
- What are you ST and LT career goals, elaborate on LT goals
- What do you do for fun
- Describe one of your strengths and one of your weakensses
- Anything to add to your application
- Any questions for me
The interview lasted about 40 minutes. I didn’t feel the time, and I felt I answered the questions well. If I were to go back and change something, it would have been the “Anything to add to your application” question. I mentioned something about the community work I’d done but I felt I should have talked more about what I would contribute to the Wharton community since we didn’t talk much about that.