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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student & Adcom / Zoom

Image for Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student & Adcom / Zoom

I interviewed at Wharton on November 13th, 2022 via Zoom. The interview consisted of two parts – a 60 minute Team Based Discussion (TBD) along with a 10 minute 1:1 interview with a second-year Wharton MBA student. There were 5 other students in my virtual interview in a common Zoom room – everyone was quite friendly and eager for the interview.

Each of us participated in the Team-Based Discussion Prompt (pitch an international trip + cultural immersion offering for a new Wharton Global Curriculum). We were given 60 seconds to provide initial thoughts and then were given an additional 30 minutes to discuss and produce a pitch that we would prepare for the two Wharton folks in the Zoom (a second-year MBA student and member of the admissions office).

Following the team-based discussion, we participated individually in 1:1 10-minute interviews where we were asked two questions: why do you want an MBA, and why are you interested in attending Wharton?

Overall, I found the team-based discussion process quite stress-inducing and unfamiliar – it is extremely difficult to work cooperatively with folks whom you recognize you are competing with for spots in the MBA Class.

I also found the Wharton admissions member + second-year student to be quite cold and a bit hard to connect with. This ultimately led me to believe that Wharton would not be a good cultural fit for me (I am very outgoing and passionate about my studies – these individuals seemed more reserved and intellectually formal).